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Podróże Rozrywka Styl życia

Technology + Imagination, Unleash Theatre Value

Open­Sky is the FIRST and UNIQUE video plat­form of The­atre Play in Hong Kong, where the­atre fans could find the most com­pre­hen­sive drama in­for­ma­tion. We also pro­vide di­ver­si­fied en­ter­tain­ment con­tent for lo­cal and global au­di­ence to en­joy su­pe­rior live stream­ing and Video on De­mand (VOD) ser­vices with smart con­tent rec­om­men­da­tion, de­liv­er­ing a brand-new global multi-plat­form en­ter­tain­ment ex­pe­ri­ence!

Comprehensive Theatre Play Collections

Open­Sky rec­om­mends you high-qual­ity lo­cal the­atre plays. From heart-warm­ing com­edy, ro­mance love, mys­tery and sus­pense to so­cial sar­casm, we have a lot to of­fer! You will be amazed by the ex­quis­ite per­for­mance of the stage mas­ters, the best the­atre ac­tors and ac­tresses!

In-depth Theatre Appreciation

Apart from live stream­ing and Video on De­mand (VOD) ser­vices, Open­Sky takes you to the back­stage with be­hind-the-scenes and ex­clu­sive per­former in­ter­views. Cou­pled with sim­ple but pro­found the­atre re­views and group ac­tiv­i­ties, even drama new­bies could dis­cover the beauty and se­crets of the­atre play.

Amazing Viewing Quality

Pow­ered by the strongest tech­ni­cal sup­port, our pro­fes­sional team de­liv­ers smooth, seam­less and high qual­ity live stream­ing and Video on De­mand (VOD) ser­vices across mul­ti­ple plat­forms. No mat­ter on mo­bile, tablet or TV screen, you could en­joy the most in­cred­i­ble and re­al­is­tic view­ing ex­pe­ri­ence with un­prece­dented HDR pic­ture qual­ity!

Entertainment At A Glimpse

Fol­low Open­Sky’s en­ter­tain­ment chan­nel to en­joy a rich mix­ture of con­cert, cer­e­mony and sports com­pe­ti­tion. Keep abreast of the lat­est en­ter­tain­ment trend sim­ply by one sin­gle click.

Enjoy Without Boundaries

Open­Sky cov­ers over 190 world­wide coun­tries, en­abling drama fans to watch their fa­vorite the­atre plays any­time and any­where. Don’t want to miss the lat­est the­atre play while abroad? Down­load Open­Sky now!

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- 1 Month: HK$38 | US$4.99
- 6 Months: HK$168 | US$21.99
- 1 Year: HK$198 | US$24.99

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